Tinglong Feng


My name is Tinglong Feng (冯廷龙), and I am a master’s student at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University. Originally trained in medicine at Xi’an Jiaotong University, my passion lies in astrophysics. My research spans cosmology, where I explored the in-in formalism for pseudo-Hermitian systems, as well as Holographic Neutron Stars and planetary system stability. I am currently seeking research opportunities in astrophysics and planning to pursue a PhD to advance my research career.

My hobbies are reading history books and fantasy literatures. I find it fascinating to explore the uniformity and complexity in European history, and I was so attracted by the fantasy world created by Tolkien that I learned a little Quenya language.

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  1. arXiv
    Correlators for pseudo Hermitian systems
    Yao Bai, Ting-Long Feng, Suro Kim, and 4 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.07506, 2024