Graphene Production

Innovative Electrochemical Exfoliation for High-Quality Graphene Production

  • Credit: First author
  • Supervisor: Prof. Wei Wei (XJTU)
  • State: Submitted to attend XJTU ‘Tengfei Cup’ Technology Innovation Competition
  • Time: September 2019 - May 2021
  • Abstract: In this work, we innovated traditional electrochemical exfoliation methods to produce high-quality graphene. By modifying an electrolytic cell with graphite sheets and employing an electric field, we achieved better ion intercalation. Our physical modeling and Raman spectroscopy confirmed less defective graphene compared to conventional methods. A subsequent design using an organic-aqueous parallel exfoliation method yielded thinner graphene layers, which is supported by SEM characterization, further enhancing the quality of the produced graphene.
  • Key words: Graphene production, electrochemical exfoliation, physical modeling.
  • Download, Password: Arendelle-ftl
Raman shift on the left and SEM characterization on the right.
Physical modelling, surface charge density on the left and electric field on the right.