Correlators for pseudo Hermitian systems

Develop the In-in Formalism for Pseudo-Hermitian Systems.

  • Supervisor: Prof. Siyi Zhou (Chongqing University)
  • State: Submitted to arXiv. preprint
  • Time: January - August 2024
  • Abstract: Pseudo-Hermitian system is a class of non-Hermitian system with Hamiltonian satisfying the condition \(\eta^{-1}H^\dagger\eta=H\). We develop the in-in and Schwinger Keldysh formalism to calculate cosmological correlators for pseudo-Hermitian systems. We study a model consists of massive symplectic fermions coupled to the primordial curvature perturbation. The three-point function for the primordial curvature perturbation is computed up to one-loop and compared to earlier work where the loop correction comes from a massive scalar boson. The two results differ by a minus sign. Therefore, the one loop correction to the three-point function cannot be used to distinguished scalar bosons and symplectic fermions. To conclude, we discuss possibilities where the scalar bosons and symplectic fermions may be distinguished.